Hello i have a map with Google overlay and Bing Maps Overlay.
I want to have Google as default map, but i'm getting allways the Bing on top :(
2105-sGoogleBingOrderingProblem.zip (164 KB)
Hello i have a map with Google overlay and Bing Maps Overlay.
I want to have Google as default map, but i'm getting allways the Bing on top :(
2105-sGoogleBingOrderingProblem.zip (164 KB)
Hi Rui,
You needn't to set the IsVisible properties of both two Overlays. Otherwise there will be some conflicts. Please refer to the code below:
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Map1.MapUnit = ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeographyUnit.Meter
Map1.MapTools.OverlaySwitcher.Enabled = True
Map1.CurrentExtent = New ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape(-13939426.6371, 6701997.4056, -7812401.86, 2626987.386962)
Dim googleOverlayer As New GoogleOverlay("google", GoogleMapType.Hybrid)
Dim bingOverlayer As New VirtualEarthOverlay("ve", ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.VirtualEarthMapType.Aerial)
Map1.ActiveBaseOverlay = googleOverlayer
End If
ok, i'll give it a try.
Ok it works, but if i put:
googleOverlayer.IsVisible = True
bingOverlayer.IsVisible = False
shouldn't you on your code validate this?
I may be mistaken on this but the IsVisible relates to the overlay when it is drawing server side. I am not sure how this works on the server side rendering. I think since there is the ActiveBase and IsVisible there is a possibility for a conflict and I think you are right in that our code should handle this somehow. Let is take a look into it and see what we can do better in this situation. Thanks for reporting this.