Is there any way for the WMS layer to directly consume tiles using the Virtual Earth quad tiling system, with row, column and zoom level, rather than the BBOX/ZOOM settings..
VirtualEarth quad tiles tiling for WMS
Hi Gregory,
The WMS raster layer does not support to process the row, column and ZoomLevel system in the current version. It can only support to get image from a service which obeys the WMS specification, and the layer can not construct a WMS request using the Virtual Earth tile system (row, column and ZoomLevel).
I think you could use the VirtualEarthOverlay in the WebEdition directly to get tile from the Virtual Earth service. We have a sample to demonstrate how to use it, which is in HowDoISample/Overlays/Use VirtualEarth. Also you can use the MicrosoftMapsLayer to implement this, and this sample locates in HowDoISamples/DataProviders/Use MicrosoftMapsLayer. To use the WMS raster layer to implement this, I think you need to write a CustomWmsRasterLayer which is derived from WmsRasterLayer, and write your own logic to construct the WMS request.
Any more questions please let me know.
Thanks for your reply, Sun. I was thinking along the same lines!
You are welcome, Gregory. Please feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.
Hey, where can I find the HowDoISamples/DataProviders/Use MicrosoftMapsLayer ?? I just downloaded the latest web edition RC and there is no such web page… I know there is a sample for the desktop edition, but AFAIK that won’t help me in the web edition…
Hi Gregory,
There is really such a sample in the “HowDoISamples/DataProviders/”, please take a look at the screenshot below:
And the source code file of this sample is in the folder “Map Suite Web Full Edition 3.0\Samples\CSharp Samples\Samples\Extending MapSuite”. In addition, I’m just using the latest public release version (3.1.273) of Web Edition.
Any more questions please let me know.
I guess that’s a big duh on my part! Yes, I found the sample and have been experimenting with it. Everything so far is working out extremely well. Thanks again!
OK, any more questions please let me know.