I'm trying to add a WfsFeatureLayer linked to a MapServer WFS Server. The server URL is like ">.../mapserv.exe?map=<mapfilepath>. Using this kind of URL for a WfsFeatureLayer results in an URL like ?service=wfs&version=1.0.0&request=getfeature">.../mapserv.exe?map=<mapfilepath>?service=wfs&version=1.0.0&request=getfeature...
Of course, this URL is incorrect (there is 2 "?") and MapServer is unable to load the corresponding map file. This issue is the same for WMS layers. But for WMS, it's possible to set some personalized parameters and to add the "map" parameter.
Is there a similar way for WFS layers ?
If not, how can I use this kind of URL for WFS layers ?
Thank you