Hi Ethan,
The sample gave me SQL exceptions unless I changed the sql strings:
string querySql = $“SELECT * FROM {sourceDB.Map.TableName} WHERE " + ConvetToSqlString(tileRange) + $” LIMIT {offset},{offset + 1000}";
var entries = sourceDB.Map.Query(querySql);
querySql = $"SELECT images.tile_data as tile_data, images.tile_id as tile_id FROM {sourceDB.Images.TableName} WHERE images.tile_id IN ( SELECT {Map.TileIdColumnName} FROM {sourceDB.Map.TableName} WHERE " + ConvetToSqlString(tileRange) + ")";
The map we got from Thinkgeo is a world streets map of size 59GB. How do I modify the example to use it as source?
Thank you.