I have a peculiar problem with some WMS services using the daily build - the same code sends a different request to the wms server when comparing the release and daily builds of thinkgeo - in the daily build the BBOX parameters have been switched around (X and Y muddled up) compared to the actual map area in view
Below are the 2 strings that are sent to the wms server - only difference is replacing the MapSuiteCore.dll
Daily DLL
Release DLL
the code to add the wms layer is:
Dim myLayer1 As New WMSRasterLayerTGS(New Uri(wmsUrl))
myLayer1.Proxy = System.Net.WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy()
myLayer1.Name = caption
myLayer1.TimeoutInSecond = 30
myLayer1.UpperThreshold = Double.MaxValue
myLayer1.LowerThreshold = 0
myLayer1.IsTransparent = True
myLayer1.Exceptions = "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"
myLayer1.Parameters.Add("format", "image/png")
myLayer1.Parameters.Add("srs", utmzone)
myLayer1.Parameters.Add("version", "1.1.1")
Dim opacity As Double = 255
Double.TryParse(menuWMSOpacity.Text, opacity)
If opacity < 0 Then opacity = 0
If opacity < 255 Then
opacity = opacity * 255 / 100
End If
If opacity > 255 Then opacity = 255
myLayer1.Transparency = opacity
Dim sOverlay As New CustomShapeLayerOverlay
sOverlay.Name = caption
sOverlay.Layers.Add(myLayer1.Name, myLayer1)
Map1.Overlays.Add(caption, sOverlay)
Any ideas?