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WMS Rasterlayer - BBOX problem


recently I updated my App from Version 13.0 beta-270 to 13.0 stable Version. I noticed a problem with WmsRasterLayer. The generated request-string for the bounding box is wrong. Now the bounding box paramteters are miny, minx, maxy and maxx, instead of minx,miny,maxx,maxy.
I have made a work around in the SendingWebRequest and write the parameters in the correct order.
Can you reproduce the bug?

Regards Torsten

By ThinkeGeo generated request:,344024.124960536,5711151.36414689,449812.971519505&WIDTH=1384&HEIGHT=898&LAYERS=web_light&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&CRS=EPSG:25833&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&TRANSPARENT=TRUE

The corrected request:,5642510.91312814,460361.281364257,5711151.36414689&WIDTH=1660&HEIGHT=898&LAYERS=web_light&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&CRS=EPSG:25833&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&TRANSPARENT=TRUE

Yes, EPSG:25833 must use X/Y order.

This sounds exactly like this problem (which should have been solved): WmsRasterSource chooses wrong axis order

Thanks @Clemens_Ladisch, I agreed with you, it should be the same problem.

hi @Torsten, you could fix it by manually setting AxisOrder to XY.

wmsRasterLayer.AxisOrder = WmsAxisOrder.XY;
