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WMS tiles missing on higher zoom levels


Since I updated from Core beta-313 en WPF beta-382 to the latest version Core beta-318 and WPF beta-388, I noticed tiles are not loaded or shown in higher zoom levels.
Only part of the ThinkGeo component is filled with the WMS tiles of the map.
The red box in the picture should contain parts of the map.

I hope you can fix this.

Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom

Hello people from ThinkGeo, do you recognize this matter?


I created a WPF(.Net Framekwork 4.7) application with ThinkGeo.Core beta-318 and ThinkGeo.UI.WPF beta-388, and added a wms layer to the map, it worked good, the map is filled with the wms tiles. I didn’t reproduce this issue, could you provide us with a sample? or some key code snippet?



I managed to reproduce the problem in the attached project.
Further testing show that the problem is the ThinkGeo.UI.WPF starting from version 385 (384 works fine).

I change the scales of the zoomlevels with a factor 8 (this makes the problem more visible starting zoomlevel 15). With zoomlevelfactor = 1 (see code) the problem only existst is the last 2 zoomlevels.

We actually use the zoomlevelfactor = 8 in our code. (103.8 KB)

I hope you can reproduce and fix this issue.

Kind regards,
Guido van den Boom


Thanks for your sample, I can reproduce your issue. I’ll let you know once I make some progress.


Hi, there!

This problem has been fixed in the latest beta (ThinkGeo.UI.Wpf-beta390), have a try see if it works. We will put the fix in the release branch if everything goes well.

Also just FYI, please put mapView.Refresh() at the end of mapView_Loaded to get rid of the tile misplacing issue during the first zooming in.


Hi there,

Thanks, this fix works like a charm !!
