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WMS with Raster Layer and WpfDesktopEdition with Shape Files

MapSuite Team,

I am about to embark on integrating WMS Server with an existing WpfDesktopEdition application. The WMS Server will support raster layers. The WpfDesktopEdition application supports ShapeFileFeatureLayer, InMemoryFeatureLayer, and SQLiteFeatureLayer.

I am making the assumption that the WpfDesktopEdition needs to reference the raster layer via URI in the WMS Server and that the WMS Raster Layer is then treated as any other layer within WpfDesktopEdition and drawn accordingly so that all layers appear no matter their origin. Am I correct in this basic thinking?


Hi Dennis,

You’re right, if you are using WMS to access server tiles,that means we don’t need to know what type of layer is rendered on server side, because we always get tile images and render the images on client side. You just need make sure the WMS server follow the WMS format.



Thank you Don for confirming this for me.

Hi Dennis,

Any question please let us know.

