I try to upgrade my apps to Version 13.2 from 13.0 with the new Async Methods and use now WmsRasterLayer from the Async-Namespace.
There are some more changes in code necessary as mentioned in the blog post “ThinkGeo UI 13.2 is Released”, for example OpenAsync and CloseAsync.
Now it seems important where in the constructor the CRS-Parameter for the layer is set. Depending on this, the BoundingBoxCore method returns correct results for the crs or not.
The following lines from a log-file shows, that GetBoundingBoxCore returns wrong BBox for the Crs.
set_InternalEpsgCode InternalEpsgCode CRS: EPSG:25833
GetBoundingBoxCore CRS: EPSG:25833
BBox: -85.0511287798066,180,85.0511287798066,-180
My code in the constructor is something like that:
public class TisWMSRasterLayerModel : ThinkGeo.Core.Async.WmsRasterLayer
public TisWMSRasterLayerModel(IWebProxy _webProxy) : base()
this.UpperThreshold = double.MaxValue;
this.LowerThreshold = 0;
this.IsTransparent = true;
this.TimeoutInSecond = 30;
// if uncommented the following line, it works as expected
// this.Crs = $"EPSG:{25832}";
var allLayers = this.GetServerLayers();
Collection<string> styles = this.GetServerStyleNames();
Collection<string> exFormats = this.GetServerExceptionFormats();
this.ServerCapabilitiesAsString = this.GetServerCapabilitiesXml();
if (haveToClose) await this.CloseAsync();
this.Crs = $"EPSG:{internalEpsgCode.ToString()}";
Please give me some hints
Regards Torsten