Thanks to let us know where you get the data.
Some data contains lots of records, if you render them in high zoomlevel, it need to load all data and it should take much source.
You should want to read the render logic of our WorldStreetsLayer, and you can see how to render the big data: https://github.com/ThinkGeo/WorldStreetsLayerSDKOnWindows-ForWinForms/blob/master/WorldStreetsLayerSDK/WorldStreetsLayer.cs
If you want to render special value of data, you should want to use our ValueStyle: https://github.com/thinkgeo?utf8=✓&q=valuestyle&type=&language=
I think you cannot use the Extractor to reproject 3857 to 4326, it only can cut the original dataset,
And it don’t have a result I think that should because your bouding box is not correct, source data should only contains the data in Las Vegas.
If you need 4326 data, one solution is you write custom code to build it, the other solution is contact our sales to check whether they have a 4326 version for download.
Wish that’s helpful.