Hello ThinkGeo,
I am Drawing EllipseShape with 2.5 radius measured in miles and output of the map is rendered circle shape as oval shape.Our map projections are in DecimalDegree.
double centerX = -74.34768;
double centerY = 40.51231;
PointShape ptCenter = new PointShape(centerX, centerY);
EllipseShape circleShape=null
circleShape = new EllipseShape(ptCenter, 2.5,GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree,DistanceUnit.Mile);
PS: What I observed was drawing - EllipseShape(ptCenter, 2.5) - with out specifying
distanceUnit.Mile and ,GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree draws correctly .I want to specify radius with miles.
Appreciate your help on this and I send screen output as attachment to forumsupport@thinkgeo.com