I've read through the forums and I have been able to implement a cluster point style and have created custom marker styles. However, I've been stumped with how to create a cluster marker style. I would like to cluster features into one marker that contains all the features within a certain tolerance. Since a marker is just a WPF control, I have envisioned handling the double click event to expand that marker and display all the features at that point. I've been stymied by the fact that the markerstyle class does not have any access to the geocanvas. Without this access I don't see how I can get the scale to build a tile matrix. The tile matrix seems to be the preferred method for determining which features will form a cluster.
Am I going to down the wrong path with using a tile matrix? Is there a way to access the GeoCanvas from the markerstyle drawcore? Is it even possible to form a markercluster in WPF or is that just limited to the web?