Hello again,
In putting together a utility to convert GPX layers to shapefiles I noticed some of the shapefiles I created were not showing up in the correct location, off by thousands of miles. I examined the coordinates in the shapefile and compared them with the raw GPX text and found that the XY coordinates were reversed in the GpxFeatureLayer. It happens when a line is created from a route (<rte>) in the GPX layer as follows:
<gpx xmlns=“http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1” version=“1.1” creator=“https://github.com/gps-touring/js-app-src”><rte>Alt_Portsmouth.gpx_0</name>
<desc><![CDATA[<h2>Track information:</h2>
<p>Name: 127 A27 - 21 Wharf Rd</p>
<rtept lat=“50.87551” lon="-1.28259"><name>0.00km</name>
I have attached the full GPX file so you can have a look.
Alt_Portsmouth.gpx_0.gpx.zip (2.1 KB)