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CAD layer with SRID 3949 is misplaced

Hi ThinkGeo
we are in progress with upgrading ThinkGeo Desktop WPF from version v10 to v12.
In this process we are facing issue with correct placement of the of the CAD drawings during display.

Particularly, i have a DWG drawing with no projection file (it is temporarily removed for test purpose), where i specify SRID manually (3949 - France). In version 10, the CAD drawing was displayed over Paris (it is indeed Paris streets drawing). But in version 12, drawing is displayed in Sweden, no matter if i specify projection or not.

During upgrade we created custom projection converter, which does nothing, but feeds SRID into the base class:

var projectionConverter = new RepositionableProjectionConverter();
if (srid != -1)
//Converting from the projection the sourceMapLayer uses to the overall projection (Bing) we use.
projectionConverter.InternalProjection = new Projection(srid);
projectionConverter.ExternalProjection = new Projection(Projection.GetBingMapProjString());

Do we miss anything important for the Converter?

With kind regards,

Thanks Alexey,
Could you upload the DWG drawing witht he projection file by the support ticket system. We could look into more detail.



Hi Frank,

thanks for answer. The drawing is available at (ZIP size exceeded size limit 4Mb):


Thanks Alexey,
There is a problem in the CAD layer. We have fixed it. You could update to the latest beta one which is 13.0.0-beta082. I also attach you the demo project. You need fill the BingMap application id and the CAD file path. (11.0 KB)



Hi Frank,

thank you for quick update. I am testing your solution.


Hi Frank,

i just tested your fix (beta build -082) - it works as expected! Thank you a lot!
When should we expect this change integrated into the release?

One more question related to this case:
we noticed that the original projection file for the sample cad file is rejected by the ProjectionConverter constructor with the exception:
“No translation for Lambert_Conformal_Conic to PROJ.4 format is known.”.
Version 10 parses this .prj without a problem.

How should we deal with this error? Abandoning all projections, that are already deployed in our system would be a poor option.

Original projection:

Note: quick search for the solution in the Internet suggested to replace projection Lambert_Conformal_Conic to Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP. But that would be really clumsy. What would be right solution?

Thank you!

With kind regards,

Thanks Alexey,
We have fixed the second issue(Lambert_Conformal_Conic). Now it should work the same as V10. We will do more test and push the changes to the prod branch in 2 or 3 days. I will let you know once it available in prod.



Hi Frank

thank you a lot! We will be waiting for update.

With best regards,

Thanks Alexey,
We have pushed the changes to the prod. You can get the latest release version 12.2.10.



Hi Frank,

issues seems to be solved in 12.2.10.

Thank you so far!


Thanks Alexey,
Good to know it works. Go ahead let us know if you have any more question.

