Hi ThinkGeo
we are working hard to upgrade our product from current ThinkGeo v10 to the v12. We noticed that initial display of the CAD drawing in v10 takes times less than it does in v12.
The v12 code is barebone sample (basically ThinkGeo domestic sample) taken from topic: https://community.thinkgeo.com/t/cad-layer-with-srid-3949-is-misplaced/9817 sample code from Frank https://community.thinkgeo.com/uploads/short-url/f9AOEmTYRrlogztHTQ9LtxLY1ro.zip
Particularly, at my work PC, sample application (ThinkGeo v12) loads CAD file in average 23.4 sec.
At same time, on same PC, the old application running ThinkGeo v10, loads same CAD drawing in fraction of a second.
Tiles caching enabled in both applications. In v12 sample application as follow:
CadFeatureLayer cadFeatureLayer = new CadFeatureLayer(@".\Asset\Cad_data.dwg");
LayerOverlay layerOverlay2 = new LayerOverlay();
layerOverlay2.TileCache = new FileRasterTileCache(@".\Cache");
var prjstr = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@".\Asset\Cad_data.prj");
string proj4String = Projection.ConvertWktToProjString(prjstr);
This makes us think that tiles cache is not really used in v12 application (even tough tiles cache folders and files are created).
What is the difference in the tiles cache setup in v12, compared to the v10?
With best regards,