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Problem with specific GeoTiff

Out application uses MapSuite 10. A while back we were having problems with certain GeoTiff files that would not render in our application. It ended up being a tiled GeoTiff which is not supported in our version (see the issue here). At that time we were advised that we could use QGIS and export the GeoTiff as “rendered”, then use it in our application, and that works. Recently we tried that with a GeoTiff and it did not work. I don’t know if it is a tiled GeoTiff or not. Could you please have a look and see why it will not render? The GeoTiff can be downloaded here.



Hi Steve,

  1. I downloaded your data and recreated the issue with GeoTiffRasterLayer in v14. I can tell it’s not a tiled tiff but I didn’t have a chance to dig in.
  2. I can successfully render the geotiff, both the original one and the QGIS converted one, with GeoTiffGdalRasterLayer in v14. I know you are in the middle of upgrading to the latest version, so you think this solution works for you?
  3. We will figure out why the managed GeoTiffRasterLayer doesn’t working, and will fix it in the future versions.


Hi Ben,

Thanks for the quick response. We are in the “research” stage of upgrading. The full upgrade is going to be quite complex considering all the changes that need to be made, so it will be at least a year before we have something we can release to clients. It would be helpful if there was a workaround for use in our current version.

Best regards,


OK, can you let me know the version number you are using?

ThinkGeo.MapSuite 10.6.24
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.GeoTiff 10.6.5


ThinkGeo v10 has UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer which works with the original tiff file. Here I created a demo project for you: (13.4 KB). Just change the data path and run it. Sometimes in my test I need to right click the project and click “clean” before rebuild it.
