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ThinkGeo UI for Desktop   WinForms

Topic Replies Activity
Freeze Display while map is adding objects, etc 4 April 16, 2013
Advise needed on upgrade from MapSuite 2.0 to 5.5 7 April 15, 2013
Ecw and tif directory struct - have some requirements to load image and rasters and to position them correctly 2 April 12, 2013
Support for geometries with Z (elevation) and M (measure) values 4 April 11, 2013
DraggedPointStyleWithLabel 4 April 11, 2013
Generate Grid with Spherical Mercator System 2 April 8, 2013
Problems with LegendPrinterLayer 2 April 4, 2013
Map flashes to white on each pan/zoom 9 April 3, 2013
CustomZoomLevels cleared when MapUnit is changed 6 March 28, 2013
Create and Open a Shape file failing 5 March 28, 2013
Turning off a layer at a specific zoom level 4 March 28, 2013
Decimal Degree format at mousemove 6 March 28, 2013
DrawingFontStyles 4 March 28, 2013
Center Map on Click 2 March 28, 2013
GetFeaturesWithinDistanceOf Unexpected Results 6 March 26, 2013
Getting Bing Map to display 2 March 22, 2013
MsSql2008FeatureSource sends incorrect SQL script to server 2 March 21, 2013
Custom Text on Map with surrounding box 2 March 21, 2013
Strange error with GetColumns and MsSql2008FeatureLayer 4 March 21, 2013
Proximity analysis 15 March 19, 2013
GUI "freezes" when plotting points 8 March 19, 2013
Set zoom level based on distance 2 March 18, 2013
Where can I find Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Version 9 March 15, 2013
PrintPreview CS Winforms Error 4 March 15, 2013
QueryTools support on Win7 64 bit systems 5 March 14, 2013
Clientside error The shape you provided does not pass our simple validation 3 March 12, 2013
Zooming makes the Map go blank 9 March 11, 2013
Markers don't move on Zoom 4 March 11, 2013
Getting Markers to look right 8 March 11, 2013
OutOfMemory Exception when Isolines are generated for large grid 14 March 8, 2013