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ThinkGeo UI for Desktop   WPF

Topic Replies Activity
Function to get bounding box of collection of features? 4 October 18, 2023
Can you find nearby features by pixel distance? 4 October 10, 2023
InternalFeatures.Remove not working with key 4 October 8, 2023
ScaleLineAdornmentLayer Distance values are inconsistence in each levels In WPF 9 October 2, 2023
Bounding box seems to be too large 4 October 2, 2023
How to add unique bitmaps for each point in a layer? 4 September 19, 2023
The type initializer for 'ThinkGeo.Core.GdalRasterSource' threw an exception 4 August 28, 2023
Inverted colors with rasters 4 August 26, 2023
Bug in GeoImage rotation? 13 August 2, 2023
PanZoomTool Error 6 July 17, 2023
Problematic TIF shows up black and wrong coordinates 11 July 14, 2023
WFS 2.0.0 and GML 3.2.1 2 June 12, 2023
ThinkGeo.Dependency.Gdal version problems 4 May 25, 2023
Projection.ConvertWktToProjString does not work with other than English as CurrentCulture 6 April 28, 2023
Rendering problems with different layer types 4 April 28, 2023
Dependency management 9 March 15, 2023
SkiaSharp version dependency problems 2 March 14, 2023
V10 to V12 'BestPlacement' 5 March 2, 2023
ThinkGeo UI for DeskTop 13 and Sqlite 2 February 14, 2023
Can DotDensityStyle and HeatStyle works with point and polygon layer 4 February 13, 2023
Loading Tif file causing our desktop application to crash 8 January 30, 2023
TrackInteractiveOverlay KeyDown Event Not Triggered 4 January 23, 2023
Panning/zooming much slower in stable release 13.0.0 4 January 4, 2023
Pan/Zoom Problem by Remote-Desktop-Connection or CITRIX – Connection 6 December 23, 2022
ArcGISServerRestLayer Sample Code 2 November 10, 2022
SqliteFeatureLayer views 7 November 3, 2022
Error loading Tif-File 4 October 19, 2022
GeoFont DrawingGraphicsUnit 2 October 17, 2022
WMTS layer error 6 October 3, 2022
Using Left or Right Ctrl + Left Mouse Click and Dragging to select mulitple objects on the Map 6 October 1, 2022